
While SinterFire is the most utilized frangible bullet in the world, we are never content to rest on our laurels. We are continually innovating our products for Gov’t./LE training and the sportsman with several patented and patent pending products that will change the landscape in the ammunition and sporting markets.

We are proud to be the originator and leading manufacturer of the lead-free copper/tin frangible projectile. Since 1998, SinterFire has been aggressively developing and testing a wide range of ammunition components to address the growing needs of a “green” (lead-free) and frangible (safer) projectile. During this development, many different designs and configurations have been rigorously tested. In the end, the best projectiles have been produced to address both aspects of the environmental and safety needs of the shooting industry. All SinterFire products are made using an exclusive blend of metal composites that give our products the best performance possible.

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